Attorneys At Law

(972) 960-2240


Our firm’s mission is to make sure that consumers who filed bankruptcy get the fresh start guaranteed to them by the bankruptcy code and other federal and state laws.

Our firm is dedicated to helping consumers get the full benefit of their fresh start and holding mortgage companies and their servicers accountable for their illegal activities. We are good at what we do so we collect thousands of dollars each month in damages for our clients.

Unfortunately, lenders don’t always stop trying to collect the debts owed to them after they have been discharged in bankruptcy. Nor do they always properly report the bankruptcy discharge on consumers' credit reports. Sometimes this conduct is inadvertent, but often it is intentional. This is particularly true when it comes to mortgage companies and their servicers.


If you surrendered a home in your bankruptcy, we urge you to contact us immediately because mortgage lenders and servicers like Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, PHH Mortgage Services, Select Portfolio Servicing, Ocwen Loan Servicing, Selene Financial, Mr. Cooper, ShellPoint, Fay Servicing, Bayview, Seterus and Carrington Mortgage could be seriously damaging your credit by incorrectly reporting the discharge, illegally pulling your credit reports or assigning your account to new servicers. 

If you are still getting statements, letters or telephone calls about your discharged home mortgage or any other discharged debt, it is likely that you will have a valuable claim against such lender. So don't throw these documents away, they are valuable evidence.


At no out-of-pocket costs to our clients, over the past eight years we have filed and settled hundreds of claims, putting a stop to discharge and automatic stay violations, illegal credit pulls, inaccurate reporting and other violations of federal and state laws. 

We know consumers coming out of bankruptcy don’t have extra money to be hiring attorneys to enforce their legal rights, so all our cases are filed on a contingent fee basis. Our clients never pay us any fees or expenses out of pocket.

Contact us now if you think you are a victim of these type violations.

(972) 960-2240  * email us at or

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